Week 1: Introduction

Learning Outcomes

This module (1) extends from Week 1 into Week 2.

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Summarize instructor’s background, course content topics, and course expectations
  • Describe the overall course design
  • Access course materials
  • Created an individual CI Keys account
  • Describe two models of case management
  • Identify the value of evidence based practice in nursing
  • Summarize vulnerable populations in California related to healthcare issues or access to care

Required Reading

Classroom Learning Activities

  • Introductions
  • Course Overview
  • Group Topic Sign Ups
  • Orientation to CI Keys
  • Case Management Discussion


Why I Want To Be A Nurse

Click on the presentation below. Use the arrow to click to the next slide and follow the instructions. To edit the presentation click the “options” wheel at the bottom.


  • Create CI Keys Account (guided in class)
  • Go to Lynda.com (Access through MyCI) and find a video to support your comfort using WordPress (Check out other stuff too!)
  • Create a post (blog) that includes what you like or dislike so far about the course
  • Add your CI Keys URL to this google doc (The link is http://tinyurl.com/nrs420url)


8 thoughts on “Week 1: Introduction”

  1. This is something different from other courses I have taken, but feel this is a great idea. It’s a new system that’s fun to work with.

  2. As an editor for some of CSUCI’s webpages (Office of the President), I am excited to learn new skills and utilize the skills that I have gained from editing websites in the past. I love the feeling of excitement and joy once you finally figure something out. Happy posting everyone!

  3. Technology not my thing but I have to admit I have spent sometime trying to figure everything out. Procrastination at its finest!! This shall be fun.

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