
Course Description

Principles of nursing care delivery for patients and families experiencing more complex medical-surgical health care problems. Development of skills in managing the care of patients in the acute care setting and/or in the community in order to maintain maximum levels of function, manage symptoms, and increase quality of life. Content includes nursing case management models, roles and strategies used for managing high-risk client populations and for providing comprehensive care coordination, brokerage, monitoring, discharge planning, client/family advocacy, and nursing interventions.

Required Textbooks and Materials

Morton, P. G. and Fontaine, D. K. (2013). Essentials of critical care nursing: A holistic approach. Philidelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 978 1 60913 693 2

Recommended Textbooks and Materials

Melander, S. D. (2004). Case Studies in Critical Care Nursing: A Guide for Application & Review (3rd Ed.). Saunders Publishing. ISBN 978 0 7216 0344 5

Neuman, B. and Fawcett, J. (2001). The Neuman Systems Model (5th Ed.). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.

Smeltzer et al. (2010) Brunner Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing (12th Ed.). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (or other med-surg/patho resource of choice)

Laboratory resource and Drug resource of choice

Student Learning Outcomes for the Course

At the completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Define specific vulnerable population in the acute care and community based settings and identify issues of access to care and utilization of health services.
  2. Compare and contrast chronic disease illness to acute disease illness in terms of the usual trajectory, impact on social, personal, relationships and work roles of the patient and family.
  3. Define the main concepts in hospital based and community based nurse case management models and the key nursing case management strategies within each.
  4. Choose an acute condition and develop a comprehensive discussion of the illness including:
  • Pathophysiology
  • Presenting signs and symptoms
  • Etiology and contributing factors
  • Sequelae and progression
  • Goals of nursing management

Teaching/Learning Methods

  1. Lecture
  2. Class Discussion and/or Debate
  3. Small and Large Group Work
  4. Online activities
  5. Case Study Review/Discussion
  6. Exams
  7. Evidenced Based Practice Paper
  8. Group presentations

Grading Scale

Letter grades for the course are assigned as follows:

Quality Points Letter Grade %
4.0 A 95-100%
3.7 A- 90-94.9%
3.0 B 85-89.9%
2.7 B- 80-84.9%
2.0 C 76.0-79.9%
1.0 D 65-75.9%
0 F 64.9 and below


On a +/- grading scale C- is not considered passing the bottom of the scale is set at C 76% with no C- grades. There are no B+ or C+ grades.

Course Assignments

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Pie Graph


ATI Policy

The ATI test is worth 5% or less of the total grade in a course for which it is assigned. The following is the point systems for ATI Exams

Course Points for ATI Exam Assigned by Proficiency Level and Remediation

Proficiency Level 3                 100% of the course points designated for the ATI exam

Proficiency Level 2                 85% of the course points designated for the ATI exam

Proficiency Level 1                 71% of the course points designated for the ATI exam and successful remediation is required

Remediation is required for students scoring Proficiency Below Level Two. (See the student nurse handbook for the complete ATI Remediation Policy.)


Homework may be only consist of reading assignments, or consist of a combination of reading, discussion board, blogs, online discussion, videos, ATI modules, or other materials. The purpose of homework is to support your learning and prepare you for class discussions to offer a variety of learning methods to aid in comprehension and deeper learning. Completing homework on time is necessary for success in this course. Weekly assignments are posted online.


Exam content will cover assigned readings from the text, posted articles and assignments whether or not content is covered in class. Exam content will be based on concepts and common as well as priority evidence based nursing and medical interventions. Exam questions will come from various sources, such as in class discussion, textbook, or online resources provided, so understanding concepts and the ability to critically reason through patient scenarios will be important for success.

Evidence Based Practice Paper

It is important that policy and procedures in patient care areas remain current and follow best practices for improved patient outcomes and for patient safety. The objectives of the paper are to: 1) explain the role of evidence in determining best clinical practices, 2) compare and contrast evidence-based practice (EBP) with actual practice, 3) value the concept of EBP as integral to determining best clinical practice, 4) develop scholarly writing skills, and 5) seek necessary resources related to clinical practice topics and guidelines. Further details about the paper, including the rubric, are available by clicking the title of this section.

Group Project

The group project is a semester long project with variable due dates. The VoiceThread presentation portion of the group projects are due dependent upon your topic and presentation date. The group project is meant to provide an opportunity to use teamwork and collaboration, while applying critical concepts and knowledge in a comprehensive way in a patient case scenario using digital tools to enhance the ‘story’. The group members are expected to collaborate together and required to present their final digital storytelling in a professional manner, as if they were presenting at a nursing event or conference. Group members were randomly selected to avoid bias and promote members to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses in contributing/collaborating. Presentation topics and dates will be available for sign up in class on the first day. Further details, instructions, and guidelines for the presentation are posted by clicking the title of this section.

The CSUCI Mission Statement

Placing students at the center of the educational experience, California State University Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives.


College Policies

It is the student’s responsibility to read and become familiar with the current policies, procedures and information in the current CSU Channel Islands College Catalog 2014-2015


The following College policies should be reviewed:

  1. Nondiscrimination policy
  2. Disability: Students with disabilities need accommodation should make requests to Disability Accommodation Services, 805-437-8528. All requests for accommodation require appropriate advance notice to avoid a delay in services. Please also discuss approved accommodations with me as early in the term at possible.
  3. Sexual Harassment
  4. Honor Code
  5. Withdrawal from courses


Class Attendance and Absence

Students are expected to attend class regularly. As a prospective professional, it is assumed that you will miss class only if you have a serious and compelling reason. It is up to the student to notify the instructor, in advance if possible, about any missed classes. After 2 absences (6 lecture hours) your grade will drop one letter grade unless you have provided a valid rationale for each absence. Absences must be for serious and compelling reasons such as:

  • Illness of self or immediate family
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Court Subpoena
  • Recognized religious observation
  • Educational absence: an absence in which written permission from the faculty responsible for the class or clinical is given
  • Military Deployment: day of deployment and return from deployment of an immediate family member
  • Faculty approved attendance at nursing research convention or other educational opportunities.

In order to be excused, notification must be given to the primary instructor prior or at the onset of absence, and all absences except illness must be accompanied by documentation. (See Student Nurse Handbook)

Late Assignment Policy

Late assignments will not be accepted without legitimate excuse (illness etc. See college catalog).

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

Each student shall maintain academic honesty in the conduct of his or her studies and other learning activities at CSU Channel Islands. The integrity of this academic institution, and the quality of the education provided in its degree programs, are based on the principle of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is an especially serious offense. It diminishes the quality of scholarship and erodes those who depend upon the integrity of the campus program. Such dishonesty includes:

  • Cheating – using attempts to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
  • Fabrication – falsifying or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
  • Facilitating academic dishonesty – intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
  • Plagiarism – intentionally or knowingly representing the words, ideas, or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.

A full discussion of academic dishonesty is found in the University Catalog and online. The college catalog describes the process and possible sanctions that may come from academic dishonesty stating:

Academic Dishonesty

The catalog defines academic dishonesty to include “such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an attempt by a student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill that he/she does not possess.” The catalog describes the process for evaluating cases of dishonesty and assignment of appropriate penalties. (CSU Channel Islands College Catalog 2014-2015)

It is in your own self-interest to learn what constitutes plagiarism as well as how to properly credit sources in your written work for this course. You can find a primer on the subject at

CSU Channel Islands Disability Statement

CSU Channel Islands is committed to equal educational opportunities for qualified students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The mission of Disability Resource Programs is to assist students with disabilities to realize their academic and personal potential. Students with physical, learning, or other disabilities are encouraged to contact Disability Resource Programs at (805) 437-3331 for personal assistance and accommodations.

If you are a student with a documented disability who will require accommodations in this course, please register with Disability Resource Programs located in the Educational Access Center, BT 1541, or call (805) 437-3331 for assistance with developing a plan to address your academic needs. Faculty, students and Disability Resource Programs will work together regarding classroom accommodations. Please discuss approved accommodations with faculty.

Use of APA Guidelines

Formal papers in nursing classes should be written, unless otherwise instructed, following the guidelines in the most current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

CSU Channel Islands Nursing Writing Guide

Access to the writing center and assistance to students is encouraged. Check out the CI Writing Guide resources.

APA guidelines are also available at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab website. Another recommended template for APA style papers is available through Reference Point Software.

Commitment to Integrity

As a student in this course (and in this nursing program, at this university), you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning and participation in this class. You are also expected to maintain integrity in your behavior in and out of the classroom.

Your Responsibilities

By Enrolling in this class:

  • You agree to uphold the standards of academic integrity described in the Nursing Student Handbook.
  • You agree to spend an average of 6 hours per week on assignments outside of class.
  • You agree to complete all readings and related assignments on time.
  • You agree to be available for the exam dates listed. There are no make-up exams unless and legitimate emergency occurs and I am notified immediately

Student Participation

Class performance is highly associated with attendance and participation. Classes may include materials or discussions not found in readings but included in exams. This course is intended to be an active learning experience, therefore active participation and engagement is expected.

Participation credit will be earned by such items as attendance in classes in which unannounced quizzes may be given, class work assignments are collected, and/or participation in class discussion and group work, which includes written evaluations for group presentations.

Students are responsible for assignments, announcements and materials covered if classes or portion of classes are missed. You are responsible for gathering such information distributed during your absence from your peers. You are expected to remain up to date with the course announcements and materials posted on the web or CI Learn/Blackboard. Makeup exams will only be given with legitimate excused absences and at the discretion of the instructor.

Course Etiquette

You are expected to be on time for your course. If you are unable to make it to the class notify your instructor as soon as possible by telephone, text, or e-mail. Please do not telephone instructor after 10 pm.

Conduct disruptive to the class is not in the best interest of all members of the learning community. Please turn your cell phone ringer off during class. If you must be available then please turn your phone or pager to “vibrate” and step outside of class before you answer so as not to disturb your fellow students. When using electronic devices such as phones, tablets, or computers please be conscientious of the learning environment and avoid inappropriate activities online during class time. Your electronic devices are allowed during class time and often useful to in class activities, however not required.

Classroom and/or online discussion are required. All discussion (online or face-to-face) is to be conducted with respect for fellow students and their ideas, as well as maintaining privacy/confidentiality regulations. Difference of viewpoints should be expressed in terms, which are supportive of the learning process and create an environment in which students may learn to reason with clarity and compassion, to share of themselves without losing their identity, while building trust among the peer group. Discussions involving specific patient situations and/or personal experiences are to remain confidential for the purposes of learning, however HIPAA guidelines should be abided, therefore there may be information from class that is not shared with outside individuals.

Learning Environment

This course runs 15 weeks from January 28 through May 6. There will be a total of 12 learning modules during the semester, on average 1 week long for each module. You will meet the course objectives through various teaching/learning methods including lecture, class discussion, online discussion, online activities, case study review, exams, evidence based practice paper, and group work.

Course Content

  • Hemodynamic Monitoring
  • Cardiovascular
  • Cardiac Dysrhythmia
  • Shock
  • Neurological
  • Trauma
  • Endocrine HHNK and DKA
  • Hematology, DIC, HIT, and GI Bleeds
  • Renal and Burns
  • Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
  • Case Management

Weekly Content – Course Outline (link)

Note* The course syllabus and due dates are subject to update/change but only with student notification.