
I am sorry we ended so abruptly in class. Thank you to the last three groups for speeding your presentations up to get everyone in! I cannot express how proud I am of you and your presentations – your creativity, diverse approaches, and overall impressive efforts made for an educational and fun last day together.

Housekeeping: 1. Please send me your Animoto, Google Presentations, Videos, PowerPoints, VoiceThreads, etc that you did. 2. Email me if you would like to meet from 8-9am or 10-11am tomorrow, Friday, or next week. 3. Email me if you DO NOT want me to share your work…. I think I see an innovations at CI blog about your presentations in the near future! 4. Don’t forget SRTs – just takes a few minutes and is appreciated by all of your faculty. the future

I look forward to seeing you all this Friday to celebrate your achievements! You are an amazing group of students, who I expect great things from and bright lights ahead for all of you. Hugs, Jaime


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