Week 11 End of the road

Module 5

This is the second of two weeks of content specific to care of the patient with sepsis and/or shock. This module will also cover multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and end of life care.

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify and describe critical care related care of the critical care patient with sepsis, shock, and/or MODS including pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms, etiology and contributing factors, sequelae and progression, and goals of nursing management
  • Compare and contrast patients with varied stages of sepsis, shock, and MODS, considering the severity of the illness.
  • Compare and contrast diversity and cultural belief systems related to end of life care.
  • Identify key nursing management strategies for patients with sepsis, shock, or MODS.
  • Identify key nursing roles and management strategies for patient requiring end of life care and/or decision making support.
  • Describe support systems in place for patients and families needing to make decisions related to end of life care.
  • Analyze different communication strategies for the role of the critical care nurse.
  • Categorize appropriate nursing care planning (assessment, diagnosis, goals, interventions, evaluation) related to the patient with sepsis, shock, MODS, or requiring end of life care.

Required Reading

  • Morton Chapters 5-7
  • Read Articles for 4/1 Posted in Blackboard (PowerPoints>>End of Life Articles)

Classroom Learning Activities

  • Lecture/Discussion
  • MODS Discussion

  • End of Life Care Discussion and Debate


Spend some time thinking about end of life care. Then relate it to yourself and your family. What would you want? How do you feel? Who do you think would be the best person to help make decisions for you? What supports do you have? What about your family members? What do they want? How do they feel? Have you had any discussions like this with family members or friends? Could you? What about your peers in nursing school? How does culture, family, and diversity play a role? Plan a time to either think about these questions, or plan an event where you have a discussion with friends or family members. Blog about your thoughts or the event you facilitated. What worked? What didn’t? If you don’t want to share, then find an article that gives some insight about why people do or don’t have these conversations. Remember you can always password protect your blog.

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