Week 14: Online Disaster!

Module 7

This module is the follow up to Trauma Care, and Disaster Preparedness. We will not formally meet in class this week, however the classroom is available to you if you want to work with your group in that space or meet anytime from 12 – 3pm.

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify and describe acute and chronic conditions related to trauma including pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms, etiology and contributing factors, sequelae and progression, and goals of nursing management
  • Compare and contrast acute versus chronic disease illness related to the care of the trauma patient
  • Identify key nursing management strategies for trauma patients
  • Categorize appropriate nursing care planning (assessment, diagnosis, goals, interventions, evaluation) related to care of the trauma patient

Required Reading

Classroom Learning Activities

  • Online Activity: Complete either the NIHSS Training or the Disaster Preparedness Training, and print the certificate
    • NIHSS Training: You need to register to create a login. Review the training materials and complete “Instructions and Training”. Then you will select a Test for Certification. You can come back every 2 years to renew.
    • DIsaster Preparedness Training: You need to create a student identification number (SID) – follow the instructions on the page and then complete the training IS100.
  • In-Class, Outside of Class, or Online Group Work


Choose a disaster that has occurred in the last 10 years (in the United States or internationally). Research the event online. Blog your report about the event specifically addressing the healthcare perspective. What were the barriers for providing and/or accessing healthcare? Who responded? How long did it go on? How did socioeconomics and environment impact the event and environment? Imagine being a healthcare provider during that event. Are we better prepared for the next disaster?

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