Week 7: Taking in and Flushing out

Module 4

This module covers one week and reviews Endocrine and Renal disorders specific to the critical care patient

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify and describe acute and chronic renal conditions including pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms, etiology and contributing factors, sequelae and progression, and goals of nursing management
  • Identify and describe critical care related endocrine conditions including pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms, etiology and contributing factors, sequelae and progression, and goals of nursing management
  • Compare and contrast acute versus chronic disease illness related to the endocrine and renal systems and function
  • Identify key nursing management strategies for patients with endocrine and renal diseases and renal failure
  • Categorize appropriate nursing care planning (assessment, diagnosis, goals, interventions, evaluation) related to the patient with endocrine and renal disorders.

Required Reading

Classroom Learning Activities

  • Lecture
  • Small group activity


What endocrine and renal issues become critical care issues?


Who knows about drugs?? Take an informal survey of family members, friends, or coworkers. Do they know the medications they take? If they don’t take medications, do they know about over the counter medications – drug/pharmacological/generic/brand names? Do they know the side effects and safe doses? What about homeopathic remedies and herbal medications? Let’s do some “close to home” education and see what happens! In class we can decide if you want to blog, voicethread, or just talk about what you found out…

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